CataDev Repack V2.5:
Catalyst Cataclysm Core (CCC) V.2.2 Mangos 9884 + SD2 1691 + latest fixes for client build 11927
Catalyst Database (Cdb) V.2.1 spawned world on UDB 390 basis with Acid 3.0.4 + latest fixes
inkl. Build 11927 DBCs
The repack offers:
* CCC: up to date Mangos-Core with SD2 and Cataclysm Build 11927 support
* Cdb: spawned world with latest ACID and latest fixes
* Explore the new/changed regions in Azeroth!
* apart from that just play blizzlike!
* Play the new races!
* Transform into a worgen!
* new spawnable Cataclysm NPCs!!!
* gaze at new Cataclysm Items!!!
Cataclysm Pre-Release
Creditos para Catalyst team! Foi Retirado dum forum que eu conheço do wow por isso agradeçam a eles por este repack